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5 Foods That Help Support Your Digestion

3 min read

5 Foods That Help Support Balanced Stomach Acid

For any who have tossed and turned throughout the night, you realize what you eat can significantly impact your night's sleep. Next time, it is worth thinking about what you are eating and how it impacts your digestion and sleep. A change in diet may support a better nights rest!


Stomach acid is incredibly important to your body as it helps break down food so that your body can access the nutrients lower in your digestive tract and also acts as one of your bodies primary defense mechanisms. However, your stomach is highly specialized to keep stomach acid where it belongs - in your stomach. The body naturally functions to keep stomach acid balanced. However, certain factors may contribute to excess stomach acid levels, which include:

  • Eating on the go or too fast
  • High levels of stress
  • Too much fat at one time
  • Greasy fast foods
  • Too much acidic foods like tomatoes and many citrus fruits
  • Drinking soda or acidic beverages like cranberry or grapefruit juices
  • Processed and refined foods with artificial flavors and sweeteners

As a first step in supporting balanced stomach acidity, work to remove the triggers that lead to an imbalance. We are all guilty of indulging in foods that we like that can drive our system out of balance, whether chocolate cake or stewed tomatoes. If you are ready for a change in eating habits, here are five types of foods that may help support balanced stomach acidity levels and maintain a comfortable digestive system. Please note, if you have acid reflux or regular indigestion, you should consult with your physician as it may be a symptom of a more serious problem. 



Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is an alkaline producing vinegar. In fact, though acidic, raw organic apple cider vinegar becomes alkaline when consumed. It has acetic acid, a natural acidic component, and enzymes that help to break down foods, especially proteins, and buffer acidity. It also helps to quickly counterbalance stomach acid.


This particular dairy product is not only good for you, it can help counterbalance and maintain balance stomach acidity. Yogurt has a high probiotic content which is very good for gut health. Probiotics are the ‘good’ bacteria found in the digestive tract. Eating yogurt daily can help support the immune system as well as benefit your digestive health and mood through the gut-brain axis.


A banana is an alkaline-based fruit that can support balanced acidity levels in your digestive system. Bananas can also work to coat the esophageal lining, which helps maintain comfort from the stomach up to the esophagus. Bananas are also high in pectin, a soluble fiber that helps to digest food more quickly and avoid a build up in your digestive tract.

There’s nothing wrong with a good salad on any day, but one with raw vegetables high in natural alkaline can greatly benefit the digestive system. A salad of leafy greens and lettuces, carrots and cucumbers, or celery and asparagus are good foods to support balanced digestion and regularity throughout the day and night. Not only are raw vegetables a preventive measure, but they are also a treatment. A hearty salad can satisfy your hunger, help to balance stomach acid, and support digestive comfort and regularity.


Aloe Vera is well-known for its topical applications after sun exposure as well as for its moisturizing and soothing properties. However, Aloe Vera can also help support general wellness throughout the digestive tract.  There are over 200 nutrients naturally found in Aloe Vera and its natural alkalinity and soothing properties may even effect mood through the gut brain axis. The plant's naturally basic pH helps support balanced stomach acidity levels. The plant contains several enzymes which aid in breaking down fats and sugars that contribute to maintaining healthy digestion. It contains two active constituents - glycoproteins and polysaccharides that help to support the proper digestion of food. When consumed as a drink, many users report a pleasant comforting sensation of the digestive system. 


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